What do foster families and moms really need?

Being a foster parent involves so much more than opening up homes to care for a child in need. There are not only physical needs, but there is a great need for emotional support and just good ol’ tender loving care for these children. Friends of Children strives to help in providing for the foster families as well as the children in their care.

Some basic needs you can help with are:

  • Providing meals to a foster family on a regular basis
  • Adopting a family and maintaining consistent contact with the kids and their family through special activities, etc.
  • Tutoring or homework help
  • Being a qualified babysitter in order for foster parents to have alone time
  • Helping with lawn/home maintenance
  • Becoming an approved “respite” parent to allow foster parents to go away to conferences or just some R & R
  • Your monetary donations along with our fundraising are needed in order to provide continual support for our amazing foster parents
  • We need Prayer Warriors! Through prayer, our needed resources can happen!

FOC works with One More Child, in coordinating wrap-around services for foster families. This also provides a way for churches to minister to those who are fostering/adopting. Not everyone is called to foster or adopt, but every individual is called to help orphans and vulnerable children. Wrap-around services help give the foster / adoptive parents relief through prayer, respite, and resources.

“Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress from being polluted by the world.”
James 1:27 (NIV)